Bachelors of Science: Spelman College - Dual Degree, Computer Science & Engineering 2019
Bachelors of Engineering: Auburn University - Computer Engineering - 2019
Doctor of Philosphy: Electrical Computer Engineering: University of Illinois at Chicago - In Progres
Below is a snapshot of some projects I have worked on. To view my CV click here.
Research Projects
Reallocation for Equity (Optimization)
My main research focuses on developing a machine learning model that will increase the accuracy and fair distribution for COVID-19 Vaccine accessibility amongst vulnerable populations. I am conducting this research with Dr. Mesrob I. Ohannessian of Univerisity of Illinois Chicago and Dr. Tanya Berger-Wolf of Ohio State University.
Testimonial Injustice in Medical Records (NLP)
This research project allowed me to conduct an empirical study that proves there are differences in treatment towards individuals that can only be seen when their membership to multiple subgroups is observed. I conducted this research project with Dr. Lu Cheng and Bhuvani Shah of the University of Illinois Chicago.
Causal Discovery of Testimonial Injustice in Medical Records (Causality)
This research project allowed me to conduct a study that shows the degree to which different demographic features (i.e., age, race, gender) contribute to persons experiencing testimonial injustice. It also shows the pertinence of considering intersectionality when looking for injustices or fairness - particularly in medical settings. I conducted this as an independent research study. It is currently under review.
Injustice in News Media (NLP)
This research project allowed me to develop a framework that leveraged multiple machine learning models to identify epistemological bias in News Media and offer users explainability for the detected bias. We also conducted a user study to verify the claims of our work. I conducted this research project with Dr. Lamogha Chiazor as an intern with the Tech4Justice Team within IBM Research. This work is currently under review.
Fair Skin-Tone Representation (ML)
This research project allowed me to integrate a framework to automatically assess skin tone representation in documents, wrapped in a Flask App. This framework was integrated with an IBM document ingestion tool and several machine learning tools. The ending result of the pipeline allows users to see the amount of skin-tone diversity in their submitted materials. We used dermatology as a use case to develop the tool. I conducted this research project with Dr. Girmaw Tadasse Abebe and Dr. Celia Cintas of IBM as an intern with the Tech4Justice Team within IBM Research.
Low-Powered Neural Networks (IoT)
My research focused on the low powered implementation of neural networks on an FPGA, in hopes of implementing them on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Through this experience, I have been able to explore my interest in understanding how AI agents learn through Neural Networks in Machine Learning and am currently looking at the implementation of Neural Networks using TensorFlow. I conducted this project with Dr. Christopher Harris of Auburn University.
Data Consumption and Visualization
(Data Science)
My research allowed me to analyze research on data trends relevant to public political knowledge. My focus for the semester was in discovering data models that will best visualize such data to help people understand what is influencing their political decisions. This opportunity also afforded me the opportunity to work on a literature review. Through this experience I was able to understand various methods of data collection and how the data you are collecting affects the models that explain the data. I conducted this project with Dr. Jakita O. Thomas of Auburn University.
Internship Projects
Automated Monitoring System
Developed a Jenkins monitoring system to look at the client's systems. The monitoring system would show the condition of client's systems and alert the user of backups in the system.
Conducted with Accenture - Software Developer Intern, Technology Development Program
Augmented Reality Application
Developed a multi-platform Augmented Reality (AR) Application using Vuforia and Unity. Application was designed for PC and Android users and delopyed on Android. Application allowed users to place characters in popcorn bowls, in the 49th New York Subway, and on a poster add.
Conducted with NBCUniversal - NBCUFellow and Software Development Project, MediaTech Program
Data Report Automation
Created dynamic, automated data visualizations for the executive team using new team platform, Power BI, by working with solutions architecture team to analyze team data, design data tables, and generate SQL scripts using Oracle SQL Developer and Oracle Data Modeler. Also conducted workshops with team members to teach them Power BI features.
Conducted with NBCUniversal - NBCUFellow and Data Science Intern, MediaTech Program
Alexa-Slack-Application Integration
Managed and Built two proof of concepts which each involved the integration of an internal application with Amazon Alexa and Slack. (Coded with Node.js and used AWS Lambda platform for storage). Developed technical requirements based on interviews with executive business users. Created supporting documents and flows for current and future development. Presented both fully functioning proof of concepts to Team Members of Cable Entertainment, Senior Vice President of Technology, and CIO of Technology.
Conducted with NBCUniversal - IT Project Management Intern, MediaTech Program
Alexa Game Skill - How to Train Your Dragon
Worked with 8 team members to build and deploy an Amazon Alexa Game Skill which allowed users to nuture a dragon to adulthood and be emersed into the dragon training world. (Coded with Java, Node.js, used Audacity to help build emersive experience, and used AWS Lambda platform for storage).
Conducted with NBCUniversal - Software Development Project, MediaTech Program
System Documentation
Worked on two agile teams to documented technical & business requirements, data flows, business process flows, and system flows with developers and product owners. Proposed and Documented future internship proposal initiative for the CIO of technology.
Conducted with AFLAC - IT Business Analyst Intern
Web Development
Worked with manager to create a more professional, user-friendly website for 2 local companies. Manipulated HTML and JavaScript in DreamWeaver.
Conducted with Pleas Studios - Web Developer
School Projects
Eye Gaze Study with Misty II
Worked with team members to develop a study as a preliminary investigation into the effect of using simplified eyes and symbols as expressions for interaction with direct gaze averse (e.g. autistic) children.
Alarm System: Hardware Implementation & Design
Worked to design and implement an alarm system that used a combinational lock. The alarm system allowed users to enter a 3-digit code, test the code, and get approval or not. The user could also reset the alarm at any time. The design was created and tested in MultiSim and implemented in actual hardware.
Motor Controlled Device with MicroController
Worked with a team member to build and test a motor-driven circuit that used PWM waves to control the speed of the motor. Motor speeds were able to be selected using a keypad as an I/O device.
Sustainability Video Game
Spelman College had the goal of becoming more sustainable. To encourage students to learn about sustainability our team was tasked with creating a video game about sustainability. The team decided to create a video game that allowed students to collect recyclables and showed them the difference in things to be recycled as opposed to things to be thrown in the trash. This was created using Scratch.